The country will need timely, concerted, and inclusive governance plans to meet the challenges posed by climate change.
- Joy Arkeh,
- Selma Khalil
The country will need timely, concerted, and inclusive governance plans to meet the challenges posed by climate change.
Conclusions from a Carnegie series on climate-related vulnerability, socioeconomic impacts, and governance challenges.
Because Tunisia’s regions face different climate threats and socioeconomic needs, municipalities should be more empowered to implement climate mitigation measures and protect vulnerable communities.
The Middle East and North Africa, the most water scarce region in the world, is facing simultaneous climate, governance, and social challenges that the region's leaders and citizens can no longer ignore.
Much of Egypt’s population is already suffering from the effects of climate change, and many more are at risk. If the country continues the mitigations it has started, it can still help to protect them.